5 Years Later: Staying Resilient When the Journey Gets Tough

Five years ago, we shared a blog discussing how to keep going when your motivation wavers. Whether you’re running a business, a marathon, or navigating life’s toughest moments, the truth remains: perseverance is essential. Today, we want to revisit that topic with fresh insights, as many of you have grown, faced new challenges, and achieved new heights since then. The journey hasn’t gotten easier, but our tools for resilience have evolved.

The Evolving Entrepreneurial Mindset

Entrepreneurship has always required grit, but over the past few years, we’ve seen changes that have made mental resilience more critical than ever. Global uncertainty, shifting economies, and the rise of digital-first businesses have reshaped the entrepreneurial landscape. Yet, despite these challenges, one thing remains constant: the pressure to keep going when you feel like giving up.

So, how do you stay resilient when the road seems longer than expected, or when the light at the end of the tunnel is hard to see? Let’s build on the foundations we discussed five years ago.

Redefine Your Sources of Inspiration

Back then, we encouraged you to draw inspiration from everywhere — friends, mentors, music, memories. That advice still holds, but it’s worth considering how your inspiration may have changed over time. What motivated you in the beginning might not work as well today. And that’s okay.

At Bold Vision Enterprise, we often suggest reconnecting with your “why” by seeking out new stories of perseverance. Maybe it’s not just the successful entrepreneurs you follow on social media, but the quiet stories of resilience in your community or among fellow business owners who faced setbacks but found creative ways to pivot.

Look for inspiration in the unexpected places — that fellow entrepreneur who weathered the same challenges you’re facing, or the family member who constantly evolves and adapts despite obstacles. Reassess the stories you tell yourself about success, and you may find a fresh perspective that reignites your drive.

Refresh Your “Why”

We’ve all heard it: “Remember why you started.” While that’s always a good reminder, what happens when your original “why” starts to feel distant or irrelevant? Businesses evolve, personal goals shift, and sometimes your “why” needs an upgrade.

Take a moment to reflect on your original vision. Ask yourself:

  • Is this still what I want, or has my definition of success changed?
  • Am I building towards something bigger than I initially imagined?
  • What new opportunities have come up that align with my current values?

Sometimes the act of redefining your purpose can be just what you need to reignite your passion. Your “why” isn’t static — allow it to grow with you.

Embrace “Fail Forward” Mentality

As I said in the original post, “Every entrepreneur who has achieved success has also endured failure.” Over the past five years, the concept of “failing forward” has gained even more traction in the entrepreneurial world. We’re seeing a growing acceptance of failure as part of the process rather than an outcome to be avoided at all costs.

It’s important to reframe how we think about failure — it’s not a full stop, but a stepping stone. Each setback brings new lessons and opportunities. When you shift your mindset to view challenges as part of your journey toward success, you’ll be more equipped to handle the inevitable tough moments.

Accountability and Community Matter More Than Ever

Isolation has always been a challenge for entrepreneurs, but now more than ever, we understand the value of community. Whether you’re building a business from your living room or managing a team remotely, connection is key to survival.

As mentioned in the original blog, accountability partners are a powerful tool. But the real magic lies in finding a community of like-minded individuals who understand your struggles and celebrate your wins. At Bold Vision Enterprise, we’ve seen firsthand how entrepreneurs who engage in mastermind groups, networking, and peer mentorship thrive even in difficult times. Surround yourself with people who challenge you to keep going, even when you don’t feel like it.

Find Power in Rest

Five years ago, we encouraged you to take breaks, and that advice remains vital. However, rest doesn’t just mean a short breather. Over the years, we’ve come to understand the deeper importance of intentional rest.

It’s not just about stepping away for a few minutes; it’s about building in rest periods that allow you to fully recharge. Whether that means taking a digital detox, spending time in nature, or creating boundaries around your work-life balance, find what restores you. As the pace of business accelerates, intentional rest can be a strategic advantage — allowing you to approach problems with a fresh mind and renewed energy.

Energy Management Over Time Management

In the previous blog, we touched on the importance of managing your energy. Five years later, this concept has grown in relevance. In today’s fast-paced environment, success doesn’t just depend on how much time you dedicate, but how you manage your energy.

  • Track your energy levels. Pay attention to when you feel most creative, when you’re sharpest for problem-solving, and when you need to rest.
  • Optimize your day. Structure your tasks around these energy peaks. Do your most challenging work when you’re at your best and save routine tasks for lower-energy periods.

By aligning your workday with your natural energy flow, you’ll get more done while maintaining your mental health.

Entrepreneurship remains one of the most rewarding, yet challenging, paths to walk. If you’ve been on this journey for a while, you already know the importance of perseverance. The strategies we outlined five years ago are still relevant, but as you evolve, so should your approach to resilience.

At Bold Vision Enterprise, we continue to support entrepreneurs by helping them adapt, grow, and stay motivated in the face of adversity. Remember, you’re not in this alone. Seek inspiration from those around you, refine your “why,” embrace failures as part of the process, and never underestimate the power of community and rest.

What strategies have helped you stay resilient in recent years? Drop your thoughts in the comments below or share this post on social media to inspire others. Follow us on Instagram at @BoldVisionLLC for more insights.

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Brent Simpson

Business Growth Strategist, Clarity Expert, Retired Stockbroker, Speaker, Pitch Judge, VC, Stock Investor, Board Member, Owner of Bold Vision, Co-Founder of Investing Education Academy  (IEA), Start-up Consultant, member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.


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